Local Amenity Laws 2019
Every ten years the City of Boroondara council updates the Amenity Local Law. These are local regulations that allow councils to "make legislative controls that reflect the different circumstances of each municipality" to "protect amenity, community safety and the local environment."
On 26 September 2019, council provided the public with the Proposed Amenity Local Law 2019 and Local Law Community Impact Statement and accepted feedback about the proposed changes until 24 October.
Changes to local laws proposed by council include laws under impounding, offences by corporations, advertising signs, charity bins, filming and photography, bike and e-scooter share schemes, model aircraft, movement of soil, pavement lights, drains and watercourses, e-waste, wasps nests and bees, and keeping domestic animals. The Local Law Community Impact Statement outlines what has changed or been added to these local laws and can be accessed at www.boroondara.vic.gov.au.
The Proposed Amenity Local Law 2019 received 24 written submissions from the public and a number of different clauses were disputed, specifically local laws pertaining to filming and photography, trading activities, use of vehicles on council-controlled land and open air burning.
At the City of Boroondara council meeting on 11 November, community feedback was discussed and council proposed minor amendments to the draft Amenity Local Law 2019 to "improve its clarity, utility, relevance, fairness and enforceability."
The current Amenity Local Law 2009-2019 will expire 25 December. Determination of the Amenity Local Law 2019 has been referred to be discussed at the council meeting on 9 December before a final decision is made.